Okay, I went back farther than that. It was the American Civil War this time! Well... not quite. I actually came in about 50 years before the scene. Everything was different. Napoleon had won the war against England long ago. America had expanded into Canada because the British Empire no longer existed. And, there was no Abe Lincoln or the Gettysburg address. I just felt like giving this post that title in his honor.
This time around, the south was still fighting for slaves, but the north was actually those up in Canada. They pretty much stayed out of it. However, those in between were the ones fighting hard against slavery. And I actually came in the picture a few days before the first major fight. There was a town halfway between the South and the Middle (seriously, that's what they were called. Middlers). A slave had committed a crime and was about to be hanged for it as though he were a normal man, according to the laws of the Middlers. However, the slave's owner believed they couldn't do that to his "property". The slave was hanged, and a fight ensued. And since staying neutral meant being in the Middle... I helped fight against slavery this time (though I had taken thousands, no, probably more like tens of thousands of war prisoners in the past and made them slaves).
As you could hopefully guess, my experience with guns went really far. When the war started, the common weapon was a matchlock musket (takes a long time to reload, inaccurate beyond 50 meters or so, and unreliable), and within the first year we had something reminiscent of the M1 Gerand. Cannons took a leap... or at least the range and accuracy of their ammo did. And their explosive payload. They went from five pound cannon balls to, well, in some cases 100 pound flying bombs. I even made some body armor, could stop a pistol dead. And a rifle from longer out.
But as it turned out, the South was more usefull to the North then the Middle was (yeah, I'm confused too. Still am). So we ended up being attacked from above and below. Talk about trying to cut out the Middle man. Anyway, lots of big explosions, gunfights, trench wars; basically a combination of what I had done before. I never got to find out who won though. I was watching some troops march back into a city after a major victory when I woke up.
I'll continue on my story of my time in Sparta another time. Maybe tomorrow. When I get more people to read it...
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