Friday, March 25, 2011

Not again

I've spent the last several hours becoming reoriented. Remember how I said I was in 500 BC Greece last night? Yeah, I had meant to tell you more about that. But guess what happened instead? I went SOMEWHERE ELSE last night too! This time I think I was in World War I. I stayed there for several months. But I don't know, it was all a blur. All I can remember clearly, is it was hell. Some people would stand up for a second and their head would never come back down with their body. I would wake up to maggots in my bread. And I had it good! Others would wake up with maggots IN THEIR OPEN WOUNDS they recieved from guns and grenades!

Now to tell you a bit more about living in Greece. After being dragged back to Sparta as a slave, I was put to work as a farmer. The work that a "real" man couldn't do because he was in war. Anyway, a bit of history you might not know, but for a spartan youth to become a man he has to sneak out of the city one night and with his bare hands, kill a helot (a slave). Well, remember how I said I was a slave here? Yeah. Apparently one of the strongest youths came out one night, and picked me to try and slay. I was awaken in the night by someone picking up the rock I was using as a pillow (I was sleeping out on the ground, didn't have anywhere else). I looked up and he had it raised above his head, ready to slam it down on me. I launched my legs backwards up above and behind my head, nailing him in the gut. He went tumbling back, while dropping the rock on his foot. I got up, ran over there, and managed to choke him to death. Next morning, I thought the others were going to kill me. Instead, they rewarded me! By... taking me into the city and whipping me until I fainted.

You remember how I said last night I appeared in world war I? Luckily, I appeared behind british lines, so I didn't have the language barrier like last time in greece. However, there was their strange accent. And I swear, if someone mentions tea time one more time! WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FREAKING WARZONE! And all they could focus on were the tea rations. Wow... Also luckily for me though, all my years in Sparta started coming back to me. I would exercise regularly (yes, in a four foot tall trench I managed a full body exercise everyday). And my training also allowed me to sneak out regularly to get real food. I stole food from the officers on BOTH sides quite a lot. I did not expect them to have pork. That was a surprise. And bacon }:)

Now back to my "reward". I ended up finding out later, that this stupid whipping ceremony was actually what they did to all their kids in training. They would take all the kids being trained for war periodically, whether they were good or bad, and have them stand in front of these posts and whip them. They would whip them to see how long the kids could take it without making a sound. Those who fainted (like um... me) were considered weak. At least I managed not to cry out, like many I saw. But even if I had, they would have whipped me until I stopped. That's how they got the kids to shutup. If he misbehaved, they would beat him. If he cried out or made a sound, they would keep beating him until he stopped. Even if he fainted or died.

That, and the actual training was intense. My first day they brought me for pankration (possibly the oldest martial arts, but it didn't seem like an art. There were no rules), I saw one 10 year old boy KILL an older boy while practicing. And guess what, he was REWARDED FOR IT! Not like I had been, but an actual reward! And the boy that died? When his friend shed A SINGLE TEAR, he was beat. That boy couldn't walk for a week. But he never shed another tear, ever.

I was surprised when I left WWI. I was tired of sitting in the trenches, so I spoke to the general (it was HARD getting in contact with him). I convinced him to follow this plan of attack I had thought of (more experience from Sparta). The army spent the next several days getting ready. The day of the attack, I was partially awake, waiting for the sun to rise. Then I opened my eyes and was in my bed I had fell asleep in last night. I was almost shocked from all the change. As I said, I spent several hours reorienting myself. Now to go... do something meaningful. I don't want to go to sleep tonight. If this happens again...

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