I haven't been around a computer recently. I was starting to get confused between this reality and my... other realities. I traveled into the mountains for a few days (to also practice some things). As you can probably guess, I went someplace new each time. These were all more recent though. You could probably guess by the title. And maybe even from the change in style of the blog (notice the new background?)
There are to many places to tell you about, but I'll tell you about the one that had the biggest impact.
The world had been split up into two basic types of people 1) those who were very wealthy, had better technology, little land, limited resources, and a love for shiny things then 2) those who didn't have quite as much monetary wealth, lesser education on average, vast tracks of land, loads of raw resources, and a love for explosions and, um... high calibre weapons. There were two solid factions or anything, but several dozen countries of varying sizes. There was a basic divide between money/science/politics vs resources/military/power. Every country leaned towards one grouping or another, and countries of similar type lived in closer proximity to each other. For awhile they still fought each other, but as time went on, the two types became more extreme.
The former had, as I said, less land and resources but made up for it in advanced technology (plasma/laser type weapons, basic shields and cloaks, advanced flight, very energy effecient, ect.) They also had a very democratic type goverment, since most of the countries were small enough for that to work. I will simply call these the Strategists, because that is what they were called during the war.
The latter type had much, much more land (some of the smaller countries were as big as several other Stategist countries) and undeterminable amounts of raw resources. To make up for their lack of science know-how, they made guns that shot very big bullets and explosives very fast; and they made very tough armor by strapping lots of metal to things. They relied heavily on numbers and firepower to win. Most had a very fuedal type of goverment. I will call them the Warlords, as they were called during the war.
There were different alliances and minor wars between all countries at first, but as the lines between Strategist and Warlord type increased, countries similar to each other began to put aside their differences to fight countries that may have even been on the other side of the planet. Similar countries made more and more alliances; they formed large coallitions. Coallitions began allying with each other. Before long, there were only two sides. I came in during the period where the last Coallitions allied. When I came into the scene, there were seven major Alliances. Within three months, there were only two. It wasn't long before the two sides clashed.
The Warlords began impressing any abled body person to train in the military. They had five branches, known as Sea Force (essentially the Navy), Air Force (take a guess), Common Force (Army, where I was drafted into), Attack Force (Marines; are you getting tired of "Force" in every branch name too?), and the Suicide Force (was originally called the Space Force, but space technology for military purposes is so expermintal that if you join, you would likely die). We were given loads of body armor, ammo, explosives, guns, vehicles, boosters (chemical stimulants), and pretty much any other type of military equipment that spoke "Brute Force". I once even used a gun mounted to a tri-barrell tank (yes, you read that right. And each barrell was about a foot in diameter) that fired shotgun rounds filled with ARMOR PIERCING EXPLOSIVE BUCKSHOT at a rate of 2,000 rounds a minute! And this was a single barrell gun too, not even a gatlin gun type (which they had upto 27 barrells on). There were SO many large guns there I could go on about them for days. But I'll tell you about one of my favorites.
My favorite was invented to be able to take out quick, cloaked, shielded, heavily armored enemy vehicles with one shot while barey having to aim. The gun was so deadly that we had to invent an entire robotic exoskeleton just to hold and fire the thing. It was ILLEGAL to fire this gun when not inside the suit. And the suit was 12 feet tall and weighed 3 tons. If you fired it while in anything smaller, you could kill yourself and everyone around you. It wasn't even legal to fire on a normal battlefield. Andbody withen half a mile without serious ear protection would go deaf. Any one within several hundred feet of the gun barrell without major body armor would die from the shock of the blast. Any within one hundred feet of the barrel would be RIPPED APART by the blast! And anything that wasn't ripped apart would be lit on fire if within fifty feet of the barrel. The gun itself weighed over 400 pounds. Each round weighed from 10-70 pounds. The rounds were filled with the most advanced explosive powder they had. And the actual bullets were worse.
The best part is, I got to use one! Myself and two others were loaded up in the suits with about 100 shots each and dropped into enemy territory. We landed in the middle of a street, houses on each side. I fired the first shot, and every house on the entire street, even those BEHIND ME, were obliterated. In order for the suits to stand the power of holding and firing the gun we had to make them incredibably tough. So tough, in fact, the Strategists could hardly ever kill them. We heard that they were working on a secret weapon to combat ours, and my little group was sent to destroy the facility working on it. We were blasting through wave after wave of defenses when suddenly I woke up. I think we had been to late to stop them developing their secret weapon. If I'm right, we just gave them test subjects...
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