Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Gang

So last night was very different. I was only gone a few minutes. Here's how it went.

I got ready for bed, finished everything I would possibly need to do for the day, then wrote a list of what I would need to do the next day as well as tomorrow's date, plans, ect. for in case I was gone several years. It helps me reorient myself from a long travel. I then lay down and closed my eyes, just like normal. I appeared on a busy street in a large city filled with skyscrapers and rushing people. It was pouring rain, and the street lights did little good with actually giving off light. I was wearing a large brown trench coat and was already drenched. I looked around at the crowd and the city to figure out what I was supposed to do. I also looked at the level of technology and such. The cars were pretty much like today's, maybe a few years ago I'd say. It was a darker part of town, and for some reason none of the buildings were lit up very well. I noticed a few suspicious figures (they were very good, anyone else wouldn't have given them a second glance. But this was not my first time on a busy street... nor less then my thousandth). The seemed to be following a worried looking girl. I followed as a shadow.

The girl knew she was being followed by the others, but they were herding her towards an alley. I could tell she did not want this, so I took a back entrance (meaning I climbed over a bunch of buildings so I could watch from above) to help in case anything happens. I was several stories above, and this gang of other figures surrounded the girl in the middle of the alley. I could tell she did not want to be here, and she thought there was no hope. I saw one fo the gang members reach for a knife (okay, I saw a slight twitch which I knew was him reaching for something in his jacket that I knew was a knife), so I dropped down. The fight was over quickly. From the feel of things, meaning an estimation from what I remember doing in the fight, there were seven dead and four severely wounded. When the fight was over, which lasted less then a minute (I could have held my breath the whole time), I looked over at the girl and asked if she was okay. She nervously nodded yes and I was about to go help her, when I heard what seemed to be cops coming. So I ran out of the alley and blended into the crowd. I was walking across the street watching the cops go into the alley when suddenly, I woke up in my bed. All the knowledge and experience from previous dreams or journeys that I always feel in others dissappeared all at once, like it always does when I come home.

So, my shortest trip yet. That was exciting.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ninjas again

Heiksta, has anyone heard of a country called Heiksta, ever?! That's the country I landed in last night (first journey worth mentioning since last post), but it controlled all of eastern Asia and western America. Pretty huge. When I got back I googled it, all I got was some wierd dude on twitter. Hmm... oh well (if Googled it to, leave a comment. At least I'm not alone in apparent lack of geographic knowledge).

Anyway, the ninjas. Even though they weren't technically ninjas, they were pretty darn close. Except for one... minor detail. They were mainly used as suicide bombers. They weould tie buckets of gunpowder to themself, climb to a certain place in a building filled with top enemy figures, and blow them all up. That was about the most interesting thing that happened to me.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Usual

So last night I helped the romans invade the "barbarians" up north. Only lasted a few months. This morning I just went after some bones and meat I had stored (hidden) in the fridge because people were getting suspicious of so many missing animals. I might have to live off fruit for awhile.

A couple months ago, if you told me this would be my new "normal", I would have told you you've been watching to many movies. I'd get a job to supply money for food... but I don't have much time in the day to reorient myself. My life would be completely full at that point. So for now, look out little animals!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Away with leave

Okay, this break from posting was intentional. After more strage events happening in my travels, I decided it would be a good idea to go somewhere away from people for awhile so I wouldn't have such troubles reorienting (when you live as a vampirehunter for 11 years, then hear someone trying to wake you up while lying in bed, yeah...) But now those events have suddled down, and I have been going on more normal travels for no (if there is such a thing).

Okay, so now the updates. Yes, I did hunt vampires one night. It was in the mountains, and mountain villages, that I had to fight. Not many metal tools either. An avalance can do a lot to such a creature though...

I started a slave uprising in Egypt. While they were building the Great Pyramid. What I had not been made aware of was that they were using nucleur generators to power their larger tools (who ever heard of that?), so there was a nucleur fallout. I came back before the end of it.

Oh... and then something I just remembered about events here. There's a party for the kids from school happening in a few weeks. Remember those bullies I think I mentioned first post? They will be in for a world of hurt. I've changed a lot since the first night I left. I no longer eat normal food. When I am hungry, I go out and "gather" some... meat from nearby parks before I go to bed. Sometimes I even eat roadkill I see while wondering around. I killed a dog a few weeks ago because I was really hungry. I riled it up, it charged, I wrestled it, snapped it's neck, then broke open it's legs for marrow. I can run an entire day without stopping to take a break, eat, or even drink. I've been doing parkour and freerunning every night before I go to bed, this week even simply lying on the ground as soon as I tire since I have been sleeping away from home.

I'm waiting to see what those bullies think. I may not remember the sciences and such from my travels and can't invent an ironman suit or anything, but I can remember how to put my body in an optimum state.

And the last highlight was when I helped stop a war (haven't done that very often) and then helped the world to make technology to colonize the moon. This was in the early 1800's, because their dark age was shorter than ours.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Okay, I didn't really do anything that involved fire, I just wanted to name the post that.

Last night I was Napoleon's aid. Until I decided to take his empire for himself. So yeah... we used firearms and all that, but not really much to do with fire directly. I did decide to mess around and invented the tazer. That was fun, until I ran out of materials for the batteries. I was a little to ethical, or maybe just lazy, to go take over more kingdoms that had easy access to the resources necessary for these. I by easy access to resources, I mean people easy to enslave. Times were different than, so it wasn't seen as evil and inhuman like it is today (by most).

Oh yes! I nearly forgot. Remember that story from Sparta awhile ago? Where I conquered the Persian Empire? Well, I took over all of Europe, most of northern Africa, and the entire western section of Asia (everything a few hundred miles west of China). I took over Great Britain, which was never Great Britain here because of me. Iceland, Greenland, most of Canada and and a large portion of where the United States is today. I was actually on campaign to Australia when I awoke. That had been my first journey. After almost literally having the whole world in your hands, suddenly waking up as a normal boy in some neighborhood is quite... strange. It was hard to recover, but I've learned since than.

Until another time!

One last thing! Sorry, I nearly forgot. If you have a Facebook account, please like the page I created so I can hopefully build up a community of followers. It would feel nice to have my travels be appreciated and known! Here is the link:

And to the one person who seems to want to comment, thank you!

((W)) ((W))


Monday, May 9, 2011

Yep, this is reality. Or at least pretty darn close.

Being gone so much makes it hard to remember that there are things to do here as well. Apparently I forgot about several events happing around the neighborhood, the house, with family, and with friends. Yes, this time there is a real reason I haven't been posting, not because I'm going insane anymore. By day I was caught up with my forgotten life and by night I was... elsewhere.

A few highlights on my travels.

I witnessed, in person, the very first nucluer explosion used in war. I was trying to train an underground Samurai brigade. That didn't work.

I discovered sticks can be a real pain. I also went to ancient Africa for a few months. Dancing on thorns is not fun, but it sure does make you laugh at people who complain about a papercut.

In Africa again (this was actually this last week, last time was between two other posts I did). I gained a new appreciation for cows. And their blood. When you have to protect cattle from lions with nothing but a spear and a loincloth, and you live off the milk, meat and blood of those cattle, you get pretty tough. And still laugh at people who complain about papercuts or missing a meal.

I made India the first country to hit the Industrial Revolution. What I didn't realize was that Europe was still in the Medieval Age and had many powerful "wizards". At first I thought they had some very special technology I still hadn't seen. I soon learned otherwise...

And now the strangest yet. I went someplace where people had real superpowers. It was in the future, and someone had invented these special suits. The suits increased natural abilities, and for a normal wearer they meant being faster, stronger, quicker healing, ect. But there were other wearers who... weren't so normal. They had these small abilities they had hidden for centuries, including such things as super strength (yeah, those legends are real), super speed (yep), enhanced healing (no, really?), basic telekenisis, enfluence over fire, increased toughness, and many others. That almost sounds like a list of powers you would find in a game. It really was. These suits, when wore by one of these other wearers, also increased natural abilities. But they had different natural abilities... A person who could barely extinguish a match with their mind could, with a powerful enough suit, put out a forest fire. Or make a match a forest fire in seconds. And of course, these suits also had pretty sweet tech. The worst was probably these nanobots that were stored near the palm of the suit, and could be released into the air. From there they would fly to their target (within a few hundred feet), and find microscopic ways into the suit and... for lack of a less gruesome word, kill the target. There were flamethrowers, miniguns, rocketlaunchers, armorplating, shielding, phasing (walking through stuff), teleportation, and so much more that you could attach to these suits if your suit was good enough and you had the cash. Some were very basic, just for increasing natural abilities, others were giant battle mechs the size of skyscrapers (NEVER let a telepathic get in one of those! Or anyone with freaky mind powers!)

Things have been interesting. But now to get back to all that stuff I've been forgetting since my first journey.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New month, and new things.

So I kinda got over that whole depression thing I was going through last time. The journies have been shorter, so it feels like I have more time here.

I hope I'm remebering this right, but there was the Royal Wedding here, right? Because that also happened in one of my... travels. I don't know if it was the travel was a premonition of reality or if the wedding here was a dream after experiencing the real one. As you can tell, I'm still a little confused about which reality is real. This one is the only one I come back to, so is it real or just a fantasy I keep visiting in my mind? Anyway, that was a little strange.

A theme I've been noticing with increasing intensity is mentions of things like demons, zombies, witches, ect. I have even helped put down small bands of these "zombies" and such. They seemed like ordinary crazed, bloodthirsty barbarians to me. But I've seen more than most of those I meet on my travels. This really seemed strange though after the whole wedding thing and this one other travel I had. Just last night.

Nothing impressive about most of the story. Last night, I was in a semi-modern world (around 2001 I believe is when I arrived). Gangs and stuff. Done this before, just different times and places. But there was one thing definately different. There was this one cop who had a hobby of being a bodybuilder/strongman. Who could press over 300 lbs. I'm not talking about bench pressing, I'm talking about overhead pressing. With one hand. He could load a barbell to over 300 lbs and, with ONE HAND, press it above his head for reps. And that was when he had only been training a few years. When I met him, he had been training about twenty years. He could somehow progress steadily, without hitting plateaus in exercise. He could only add a pound or two every exercise session, but he never hit a limit. Every year he could increase every exercise by hundreds of pounds. At the time I saw him, he had progressed so far that the normal barbells weren't enough, so he had custom ones. The custom ones could each support over a ton (metric ton, 2,200 pounds). He could press so much, that he had to have a barbell in each hand FOR OVERHEAD PRESS!!! For other exercises, he needed to literally use cars. He could do a pullup with a small family car (family included) tied with a chain to his neck. Yeah... after waking up from that these strange things started to seem more noticable.

So, that's it for today. Tell people about this! I want to get more readers. And get comments. Ask questions. Stuff like that.

I have a page on facebook for this place too. Like it, share it. Come on people! I'm not writing a diary here, other people can see it!