Sunday, May 1, 2011

New month, and new things.

So I kinda got over that whole depression thing I was going through last time. The journies have been shorter, so it feels like I have more time here.

I hope I'm remebering this right, but there was the Royal Wedding here, right? Because that also happened in one of my... travels. I don't know if it was the travel was a premonition of reality or if the wedding here was a dream after experiencing the real one. As you can tell, I'm still a little confused about which reality is real. This one is the only one I come back to, so is it real or just a fantasy I keep visiting in my mind? Anyway, that was a little strange.

A theme I've been noticing with increasing intensity is mentions of things like demons, zombies, witches, ect. I have even helped put down small bands of these "zombies" and such. They seemed like ordinary crazed, bloodthirsty barbarians to me. But I've seen more than most of those I meet on my travels. This really seemed strange though after the whole wedding thing and this one other travel I had. Just last night.

Nothing impressive about most of the story. Last night, I was in a semi-modern world (around 2001 I believe is when I arrived). Gangs and stuff. Done this before, just different times and places. But there was one thing definately different. There was this one cop who had a hobby of being a bodybuilder/strongman. Who could press over 300 lbs. I'm not talking about bench pressing, I'm talking about overhead pressing. With one hand. He could load a barbell to over 300 lbs and, with ONE HAND, press it above his head for reps. And that was when he had only been training a few years. When I met him, he had been training about twenty years. He could somehow progress steadily, without hitting plateaus in exercise. He could only add a pound or two every exercise session, but he never hit a limit. Every year he could increase every exercise by hundreds of pounds. At the time I saw him, he had progressed so far that the normal barbells weren't enough, so he had custom ones. The custom ones could each support over a ton (metric ton, 2,200 pounds). He could press so much, that he had to have a barbell in each hand FOR OVERHEAD PRESS!!! For other exercises, he needed to literally use cars. He could do a pullup with a small family car (family included) tied with a chain to his neck. Yeah... after waking up from that these strange things started to seem more noticable.

So, that's it for today. Tell people about this! I want to get more readers. And get comments. Ask questions. Stuff like that.

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