So last night was very different. I was only gone a few minutes. Here's how it went.
I got ready for bed, finished everything I would possibly need to do for the day, then wrote a list of what I would need to do the next day as well as tomorrow's date, plans, ect. for in case I was gone several years. It helps me reorient myself from a long travel. I then lay down and closed my eyes, just like normal. I appeared on a busy street in a large city filled with skyscrapers and rushing people. It was pouring rain, and the street lights did little good with actually giving off light. I was wearing a large brown trench coat and was already drenched. I looked around at the crowd and the city to figure out what I was supposed to do. I also looked at the level of technology and such. The cars were pretty much like today's, maybe a few years ago I'd say. It was a darker part of town, and for some reason none of the buildings were lit up very well. I noticed a few suspicious figures (they were very good, anyone else wouldn't have given them a second glance. But this was not my first time on a busy street... nor less then my thousandth). The seemed to be following a worried looking girl. I followed as a shadow.
The girl knew she was being followed by the others, but they were herding her towards an alley. I could tell she did not want this, so I took a back entrance (meaning I climbed over a bunch of buildings so I could watch from above) to help in case anything happens. I was several stories above, and this gang of other figures surrounded the girl in the middle of the alley. I could tell she did not want to be here, and she thought there was no hope. I saw one fo the gang members reach for a knife (okay, I saw a slight twitch which I knew was him reaching for something in his jacket that I knew was a knife), so I dropped down. The fight was over quickly. From the feel of things, meaning an estimation from what I remember doing in the fight, there were seven dead and four severely wounded. When the fight was over, which lasted less then a minute (I could have held my breath the whole time), I looked over at the girl and asked if she was okay. She nervously nodded yes and I was about to go help her, when I heard what seemed to be cops coming. So I ran out of the alley and blended into the crowd. I was walking across the street watching the cops go into the alley when suddenly, I woke up in my bed. All the knowledge and experience from previous dreams or journeys that I always feel in others dissappeared all at once, like it always does when I come home.
So, my shortest trip yet. That was exciting.
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