So it's been a couple days, longer than I wanted between posts, but nothing remarkable happened during my travels. I can't believe I've gotten to the point that riding elephants while using repeating crossbows isn't considered remarkable... Anyway, last night I met an interesting character.
It was around early Renaissance period, and firearms were becoming more widely used. However, many points of history were different, so there were still wondering Germanic tribes (few and far between, but similar to those during the Roman times). One particular tribe was very extreme. It was a small tribe, but that was because it was so hardcore. The basic training for everyone was similar to the Spartans, but they lived for war in a far different way. Since they were always on the move and trained so hard, they could never grow very big. The creepiest part was the fact that they were cannibals. The worst part of them was their top warrior. He is the Extrememist this post is named after. During times of war (meaning, almost always), he would only drink the fresh blood and eat the warm flesh of live victims. Be it beast or man, he acquired all of his sustenance from the living. Vampire stories were rampant in this land... mainly because of him and his tribe. He was even called a vampire in some cases.
This guy was so extreme, that when he was on the move during intense parts of war, he would ONLY sleep on a blood soaked field or on a pile of corpses (or in the warm corpse of a beast he wrestled down and ate alive). If he could not have a live victim, he would not eat or drink. If he did not have a blood soaked field or a pile or corpeses, he would not sleep. Yet he ate and drank every day, and slept every night. He became so feared that he could walk right up to the gates of Rome and they would open for him. The guards would step out of his way, and the crowd would part. He could walk right up to any king, emporer, bishop, anyone without resistance. But he did live as an assassin, so he did not kill them. He lived merely for war. His tribe was nearly as bad as him. Their small tribe (less than 30) was so feared, that NO empire or kingdom would trifle with them. If they did, the tribe would vanish and the largest cities of that empire would be burning in days.
Wanna guess who I was this whole time? The guy... assigned by the rest of the civilized world to hunt him down and kill him. That was a joke. I'm pretty sure me and all my companions (by that I mean 200 soldiers) lay dead right now, in pieces, in a burning forest. The Extremist will sleep well tonight.
That's all for now.
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